What are the Benefits of Collaborative Divorce?
In a traditional,
contested divorce, a judge makes the decisions and controls proceedings. Collaborative divorce
is a matrimonial dispute resolutions process where both parties and their
attorneys commit themselves to resolving their differences equitably and
fairly without resorting to court litigation.
The first step is for both parties to disclose your income and assets voluntarily.
Then, you, your spouse, and your lawyers meet to discuss all issues associated
with divorce and find a way to arrive at an agreement. Both parties’
lawyers will draft legal documents which detail your agreements, which
are submitted to the court for approval without you and your spouse having
to go through a long court hearing.
The advantages of collaborative divorce include the following:
- Less expensive than court litigation
- More control over the outcome of divorce
- Takes less time than court litigation
- Less stressful than court litigation
- Process is entirely confidential
- Demonstrates that both parties are capable of working together in the future,
especially if children are involved
Get 25+ Years of Experience on Your Side
Our Granite Bay collaborative divorce attorney understands the benefits
of pursuing this type of divorce. She can help you navigate through any
legal complexities related to your case. Do not hesitate to get the experienced
and reliable legal representation today.
Contact our firm and schedule your low-cost 30-minute consultation today.